The Generous Soul
Proverbs 11:25 a generous soul will be made rich
Prosperity is not the opposite of poverty. It is the result of victory OVER poverty. The poverty-stricken soul feels that what it has is never enough so it holds on, desperate to gain even more. Generosity says, I am blessed to bless others. It affects every area of life not just the bank balance.
Jesus was in the temple watching people put their gifts into the temple treasury. Many gave their sacks of gold and silver but it was the little widow who gave two mites – all she had – that caught his attention. He called his disciples over and made a big deal about it. We never find out her name or anything else about her but 2000 years later, we are still talking about what she did that day.
God does not measure generosity by the size of the donation but by the attitude of the giver. As far as He is concerned it is not the amount you give away, it is the heart with which it is given.
There are two types of giving in the word of God. You can give to sow a seed expecting a harvest in return or you can give to meet a need – a need that is manifest before you or that is dictated by God’s word. Either way God looks at the generosity of the heart not just the legality of the action.
Generosity comes from within. It is a condition of the soul. Poverty is a sickness of the soul. Let us be in health and prosper even as our soul prospers. A healthy soul is a generous soul.
Prayer Points
1. Help me to know the difference between being content with what I have and being challenged to extend my faith.
2. Show me where Your heart is moved by a need and let my heart be moved like Yours.
3. Help me to open my heart and respond generously and compassionately to the needs around me.
Additional Scriptures
Old Testament: Isaiah 32:8
New Testament: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Wisdom: Proverbs 3:9, 10
Example: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Personal Challenge
Take a good look at the following aspects of your life: time, talents, gifts, finances, personal example and relationships. What can you do to better manage what you have and how can you be more generous in these areas.