Coming Through the Wilderness Sept 2019 News Update

Coming Through the Wilderness Sept 2019 News Update

In SE Asia through June, back in July, August was a blur and just like that, summer is over, and we are gearing up for the Fall. Plans for the Fall are moving just as fast (maybe even faster) than the passing of the summer!


I am still working on the first devotional book.  Here is an excerpt – Coming Through the Wilderness – complete with Prayer Points, Additional Scriptures and a Personal Challenge based on the passage.

Wilderness experiences are not a “nothing” time.  They should be likened to a pregnancy – a time of formation of something within you that has been conceived in the mind of God for you from before the foundations of the world!  Read more here


I have just completed the latest additions to our itinerary to the end of November. Check it out here.  As you can see, there are just 3 weekends open for local (USA) ministry.  Please contact us if you would like us to come and minister in your area/church.


  • Provision and wisdom for 2020 schedule – I have plenty of opportunities but need to work through them.
  • Time and clarity to complete my daily devotional book.
  • A vehicle for our refuge.  This is a desperate need as the old vehicle died and it is costly to rent a vehicle. Public transport for the various appointments takes many hours!


Once again, thanks to all our friends and supporters. Your selflessness is so appreciated.  For those in the Minneapolis area (and those willing to travel) we are looking at hosting a gathering simply to say Thank You for your friendship and faithfulness.  We will let you know as plans come together. We would love to hear what God is doing in your situation and how we can pray for you. Send us an email or drop us a line at:

Citylights Global

PO Box 654

Big Lake, MN 55309