Generosity in Deeds
Romans 12:10-13. “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.”
Too often Christians feel that generosity and service to the body of Christ is fulfilled by placing our 10% in the offering plate. Indeed, many give more but giving is about more than money. The way we interact with or respond to others shows much more about how generous we really are.
There is ample precedent in Scripture for having a generous demeanor which most often results in generous deeds. Showing your affection for others without the thought of getting some reward; honor to all people regardless of their status in life, age, race or deservedness.
Preferring one another – leading by example is the thought expressed by this Greek word – involves a level of humility and selflessness on our part. This is more than a religious duty. It is meant to show genuine honor toward others – sometimes even if they may not deserve it.
I spend a lot of time in airports. Recently, I was waiting in a particularly slow line to clear security when I noticed a group of six elderly, obviously inexperienced travelers, behind me that were anxious about missing a very tight connection. I decided to let them skip in front of me so they could make their flight. It was worth it to see the look of relief on their faces as they thanked me in broken English and hurried to their gate.
Take time to be kind. In many cases, being kind is better than being right! It is one of the best ways to be generous in our deeds,
Prayer Points
Help me to see others through your eyes.
Today, lead me to someone who I can show generosity in deed
Help me not to think of my own lack but how I can help others instead
Additional Scriptures
Old Testament: Proverbs 11:25
New Testament: Hebrews 13:16
Wisdom: Psalms 37:21
Example: Acts 2:42-47
Personal Challenge
Practice random acts of kindness till it becomes a lifestyle. Let people in line in front of you in the grocery store. Mow your neighbors front yard when you do yours. Even when people are not kind bless them anyway.