See what we are up to
Dear Friends and Partners,
Time for another update from us!
Singapore June 2016
I ministered at a couple camps and two churches for their weekend meetings on this trip. It was not uncommon during this trip to be on my feet for 4 hours ministering to individuals at the altar as the Lord spoke prophetically to so many and touched their lives!
Special thanks go out to my good friends Pastor Paul Ng at Church of Christ the Rock and Pastor Robert Lum of Eternal Life Assembly. This would have to be one of the most powerful times of the release of the word of the Lord I have experienced.
Due to a late cancellation, I was left a space of 5 days with nothing scheduled in Singapore. Thank God for budget airlines and for His miraculous provision at the last minute. I was able to fly to Sydney to visit with my parents and Maree’s mom for far less than it would have cost me to stay in a Singapore hotel! It was a quick trip but one of great value to our parents and to me.
Summer in the USA
For the first time since September 2015, I got to spend more than 3 weeks in the same time zone. Summer can be a slow time for itinerant ministries so we took the time to visit with Maree’s brother and his wife in Philadelphia, PA. It was a relaxing time and I got to do a few ‘bucket list’ items such as visiting Washington DC and New York City.
Ministry has been slow but there is always plenty to do around the house.
Coming Up
As always, we have more requests for missions trips than we are able to handle financially. Here is what is coming up:
August 15th – 29th: Church conference in Kenya and youth conference in Uganda
October 1st – 18th: Singapore, Philippines and India
November 1st – 11th: Nepal (to be confirmed subject to finances).
November 28th – December 11th: Two major pastors’ conferences in Uganda – one for about 700 pastors and one for about 300.
We are still working on requests to Myanmar and possibly France.
We are so grateful to those who partner with us financially and through your prayers. It would be impossible to keep going without you.
At the moment there is an urgent need for financial resources for the mission trips mentioned above. This is so vital as I am training future generations of pastors and leaders when I go. Honestly, I would do mission trips full time if I knew we could pay the bills at home. If you would prayerfully consider supporting Citylights Global please go to our website: https://citylightsglobal.
Citylights Global
PO Box 654
Big Lake, MN 55309
All donations made in the USA are fully tax deductible. You may even designate where you want the gift to go. 100% of designated gifts go to that cause – we do not withhold administrative fees!
Finally, and most importantly. Would you keep us in your prayers? Health, safety, receptive hearts, open doors, greater move of God… Drop us a note now and then. We would love to hear from you. Pass this update along to someone you think would like to receive it!
We pray for every success and blessing for you!
Ian and Maree